Cranberry herbal tea Box 20 sachet

A herbal tea with cranberry, the atoca as it was called the Native Americans, gives a herbal tea with a unique taste highly prized by connoisseurs. Refreshing flavors, and slightly tart to taste as hot as it is iced! Delightful !

5,90 €


Expected Delivery: 02-20-2025

Product opinions Cranberry herbal tea (8)


Capacity 20 sachet
Composition Fleurs d'hibiscus, herbe de citronnelle, feuilles de bouleau, arômes naturels, baies d'églantier, baies de genévrier, acide citrique, écorce de cannelle, fruits d'anis étoilé, racine de réglis
Origin Québec (Canada)
Producer Érablière du Moulin
Cranberry herbal tea
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